Category Role-Playing (4)
Topic Thoughts on Role-Playing (4)
By DARKMAGE from PLAY.NET (Starsnuffer)
On April 23, 2002 at 20:36
Subject Re: Ashrim: Can it be roleplayed in any form? (20437)
I’ve been biting my tongue on the age thing for a while, but I guess I can go ahead and give a sneak peek. The worst that will happen is my post will get pulled and I’ll have to stand in the corner for a while.
This is a snippet of the official Dhe’nar history and culture document, which is due to be published by Varevice sometime this year. Note that this reflects only Dhe’nar lifespan, however I think that Faendryl lifespans would be close to it.
Faendryl would live longer because they are not as effected [sic] by the magic of Rhoska-Tor as Dhe’nar are yet, but their lifespans would slowly decrease as the Dhe’nar lifespan has since being in … (missing a bit here from the original)….consuming normal food.
They seem to subsist purely on magical energies and they spend much of their time pursuing more sources of power upon which to feed.
Some warlocks and priest have managed to remain alive long after this transformation, however the methods they use are closely guarded secrets. Dhe’nar who live this long become bitter, cynical, jaded, as they feel their immortality slip away, however their lust for power, and thus ascendance, makes them a force to be feared.