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Posted on August 20, 2015 by Vorrith

I have recently returned after a 5 year hiatus, and practicing my hand and creating these journals again.

(OOC: I have not done so, since )

Musings - 2015 to 2018: Text

Posted on August 21, 2015 by Vorrith

I’ve been working on rewriting my adventures in Ta’Faendryl, and completing it. There are still some missing pieces that I jotted down, but never regaled into story form. I think I have a chapter left, but it’s almost complete… finally.

Musings - 2015 to 2018: Text

Posted on August 21, 2015 by Vorrith

I have returned to River’s Rest for a time, where things are less chaotic. I’ve been spending most of my idle time with my former shira’qa whom I haven’t seen in almost six years. She surprised me, in that she has pined for me all these years. She debates with herself, if she will serve again. We shall see.

Musings - 2015 to 2018: Text

Posted on August 25, 2015 by Vorrith

Spending my time in Rivers Rest and encountering some interesting people. I feel as if there is not enough time to hunt and socialize in the same night. I’ll have to see about working that out better, especially since I’ve been up later than I should.
Had an awesome conversation with my brother. Hoping he’ll return also, and really help me cause trouble. We’ll see.

Musings - 2015 to 2018: Text

Posted on August 28, 2015 by Vorrith

The Obsidian Tower near Wehnimers has gained a new member, which has been long.. LONG overdue.  Thanks go to Debia and Marroc who have nudged me back.

Musings - 2015 to 2018: Text

Posted on September 1, 2015 by Vorrith

Tah’lon (Talinvor) is now taking on q’halae for training. Trainees can be either current q’halae of other Dhe’nar, who should learn from others amongst the family or new Dhe’nar seeking enlightenment. He can be found in River’s Rest, and should be available between 8:30pm EST on Tuesdays and Thursdays.

Musings - 2015 to 2018: Text

Posted on September 3, 2015 by Vorrith

After years of freedom, my former shira’qa has returned to me of her own will. She attempted to resist, but it was inevitable…as even those around her saw a change since the moment I arrived.
She belongs to me. She is again….mine.

Musings - 2015 to 2018: Text

Posted on September 10, 2015 by Vorrith

The chair of Essence has been granted. I have a lot on my agenda.

Musings - 2015 to 2018: Text

Posted on September 16, 2015 by Vorrith

I already have some things on my agenda. I plan on starting slow, and solidifying my status here in the Rest for a few more months. I will probably go to Icemule next. Keeping to the smaller populations at first will help build a stronger rapport.
We also need to start holding those responsible that possess an honor given to them by the Tower. There will be no more sitting on laurels, there will be an expectation of action and interaction so that we do not falter nor stagnate as others have.

Musings - 2015 to 2018: Text

Posted on September 24, 2015 by Vorrith

I’ve been self-imposing tasks lately, to which I have already been scolded that I’m working too hard.

I’ve been working on mapping the Tower, but the layout is chaotic since previously there has not been a consideration of design flow.  Rooms overlap rooms and doors which have no real designated direction has made mapping difficult.  (OOC: I may have to invest in getting a flowchart program.)

I may just take a break and work on the next item on the agenda.

There are just not enough hours in the day.

Musings - 2015 to 2018: Text

Posted on November 17, 2015 by Vorrith

There has been some shake down at Obsidian Tower over a project to draw interest again to the lore and culture. In its conceptual stage, it could invite new blood. 

Azimar has stepped down from being an officer, (rumored to be due to the stress of mediating for a high maintenance member) leaving the position of Highlord currently vacated.

We shall see, what we shall see.

Musings - 2015 to 2018: Text

Posted on November 4, 2015 by Vorrith

I’ve been working frantically to get things in order, and settled to a point where I can relax. The Quarterly report was finished, despite setbacks and a minor performance for River’s Rest despite a lot of no-shows.

The 4th Quarterly report is ready, and waiting for an update to the Q3.

The Winterfest is being worked on, utilizing both old and new performances. It should be something new and different, and with luck will be fantastic.

I’ve had trials and tribulations with shira’qa of late, though it’s provided an entertaining venue and rich psychological evaluations on why a woman acts the way she does. It’s quite exhausting. 

Musings - 2015 to 2018: Text

Posted on February 21, 2016 by Vorrith

(OOC: The Tribunal has been over for just over a month now. It was determined that I step down from my CHE officer position (Secretary or Treasurer (due to my attempt to request a toxic member leave the house), I can’t recall since it switched at some point..).  However, my role of Essence remains unscathed.

As Essence it would have never come to this, but the issue was more OOC than in character and it was fair to bring this to an OOC venue. Thus, only the CHE house roles are impacted – not the roleplay ones.

GM Elidi was very clear that it is the CHE officer roles that matter here – not the culture/RP ones. Thus, currently there are NO Dhe’nar that actually run the tower in its organizational and administration roles. However, I am still the *only* active Dhe’nar on the Obsidian Council.

Part of the problem is that the CHE title system was used by the Tower to provide various culture or roleplay titles, rather than actual CHE titles. This will be changing, since the Tower bylaws *specifically* distinguish the two types of leadership.

I have learned that the consensus of the Tribunal is that being in a CHE House is a right, not a privilege and that officers should be able to ‘deal with *any* personality type’. **

(I hope) In the future we may see an update to the bylaws that will specifically allow removal of membership if the majority of officers deem that it is for the benefit of the House to do so.)

**(ed. note: The Tribunal consisted of the decision made by: Aradhe, Daeliera and Varucca)

Musings - 2015 to 2018: Text

Posted on February 21, 2016 by Vorrith

I’ve moved to Solhaven as interaction died off in Icemule. With the convenience of the gold rings being able to transport much further, it has allowed an easier transition to a new location without having too much impact to hunting.

Solhaven’s North Market seems to be the gathering place of the Gryphons. Their sense of noblesse oblige applies to Dhe’nar as well, just in a different way.

Gryphons are trained that their role is to help and protect the less fortunate based on economic or social standing. Because of this responsibility, it gives them purpose and justification of privilege.

Dhe’nar are trained that their role is to provide education and purpose to the less fortunate, based on racial distinction. Because of this responsibility, it gives us authority and by the virtue of Noi’sho’rah – the right to be called “First-born”.

Musings - 2015 to 2018: Text

Posted on July 5, 2016 by Vorrith

Just over a month ago, a Faendryl came into my service. I made clear to her that the decision to be my shira’qa was not one to be made lightly. The choice had to be made with her mind, and not her desire. She is the first to be tasked like this, as before I cared little on how they decided.

She has done well so far, only once having to be reminded to maintain her humility and that service to me is first. She has learned the key piece, that my perception and my judgement is what matters and is primary to all else. She learned that social propriety is irrelevant, which is the hardest to accept for almost all shira’qa. She should kneel in pride to be mine, and not fear the thoughts of others which hold no power or relevance.

She has passed black silk is now onto yellow, which performs both the service requirements (fetching wine, food, etc.) and now the protection. She is my shield, my utility and my support, which is the function of the yellow.

She will be learning utility skills, which as a sorceress she should not ignore. They will help me as well as herself. She will become my perfection, and she will be molded to help meet her own goals in the process.

Once I determine she is successful, then onto red silk. In this, she will learn how to seduce the senses: Sight, sound, smell, taste, touch. This draws out her creativity and acknowledgement of her master’s preferences. Dance, music, perfumes, cooking, massage – all these are simple means to attain success, but I push my shira’qa to be more creative, to think of ways to make these tasks symbolic to themselves, to make them unique.

Finally, when the red silk is earned – only then will the shira’qa be allowed the power to tame me.

Musings - 2015 to 2018: Text

Posted on July 21, 2016 by Vorrith

I have been spending a great deal of time on Teras, as the hunting is more efficient here. It gives me an excuse to explore more of Four Winds as well. Now that the Glaesen Star is on a more efficient schedule, coming back to the mainland has been easier than it was in years past.

My spies are becoming efficiently organized with roles and responsibilities. It will be something that needs to be addressed with the Tower eventually as things come together.

Six more months of building…

Musings - 2015 to 2018: Text

Posted on August 2, 2016 by Vorrith

Elidi has posted the need for officers, which is something that we’ve been stalling on for quite some time. The decision of the Tribunal was detrimental in pushing all responsibility and all tasks on Debia.

It is difficult to know who might apply. I have, though I still have five months of my tribunal restriction left. The threat of closure to the Tower is more important than fulfilling the (expectations and) obligation to those that no longer participate. I hope Elidi agrees.

Meanwhile I do not know if this hints at Debia deciding finally to leave, as she has been underlying to me for months now.

This could be potentially disastrous for the Tower.

Musings - 2015 to 2018: Text

Posted on August 27, 2016 by Vorrith

The first Telling since officers have been announced went rather well. Debia’s method of lecture throws me off sometimes, and her (in-character bridge of the 4th wall and) ‘backward revelation” of power was an interesting theme.

Afterwards I offered a tour, as even some of the new officers have not been in the Tower itself in some time. One of them is a faithful of Mularos, one of the few Arkati creeds that blends well with the culture of the Dhe’nar. I felt that tension, and though I found it incredibly amusing – I did manage to be reminded of that pleasure that our culture and her creed gain from pain. I will bring that up in my lecture on torture.

Meanwhile, I see an opportunity that Debia will likely take advantage of. She’s always enjoyed teasing me, as we have known each other for decades.

To now have conspirators will definitely now be a challenge.

I do enjoy a challenge.

Musings - 2015 to 2018: Text

Posted on September 19, 2016 by Vorrith

My lecture two weeks ago on the History of Torture was a smashing success. A little irritating interruption, but nothing unsurprising for such a large crowd. My thanks to Debia and to Bekke for the borrowing of a few items for show-and-tell. I was disappointed I couldn’t get the larger props.

Apparently they couldn’t count as ‘signage’.  I may do another session on what Dhe’nar must endure for survival training, but I’ve not decided on when yet.

There has been some recent inquiries into the Dhe’nar, and more specifically to the Tower and Legion lately since the new officers have been making their rounds. I may need to initiate a culture class to help facilitate education for the masses, since no one seems to want to *read* anymore.

My shira’qa has nearly finished her tasks for red silk. The black silk, she learns to serve and the yellow she learns to protect and support. With the red, she learns how to be pleasant company. She learns now to seduce the senses – touch, sight, hearing, smell, taste. In each, she must prove she has been paying attention to what her master likes (like bloodwine, and bacon!) as well as present herself creatively.

It is a HUGE roleplay investment, and is meant to be a challenge.  She has completed a cooking task (taste), a hearing task (song), and sight (dance). She has two more tasks to go (touch and smell), so I look forward to what she comes up with.

Musings - 2015 to 2018: Text

Posted on November 22, 2016 by Vorrith

My shira’qa has passed her requirements to gain red silk. She’s ecstatic that her hard work has paid off, though the world at large doesn’t really acknowledge it. She’s officially a trained slave, for all intents and purposes. It has taken her half a year to both succeed, and to realize that being a slave does not earn her respect or acknowledgement from anyone. She knows now that she is Talinvor’s slave, and even so – she enjoys belonging to him.

I’ve moved to Ta’Illistim for a time, joining my brother Surion there. While I rarely see him (which is normal), I do still enjoy the banter. Several others of the Tower have arrived as well – Debia and Varucca. While Varucca has been rather aloof, Debia has been relatively engaged since she enjoys the city. It amuses her that she has more rights in the city than us Dhe’nar.

Our Tellings at the Tower have continued. We now have eleven successful events, plus the additional Frontier Days one I did a couple months back. It is more activity than the Tower has seen in years.

Even so, apparently the prior leadership of the Tower made some deep wounds in their wake and it’s been an effort to change perceptions. Debia has made some very good strides in alleviating a lot of concerns, but people have held onto grudges for years. Almost a year now, and it’s been a very difficult road.

Alisaire, who was q’hala years before I was introduced to the Tower had returned. She was given an officer position when we needed support for administration and wanted to complete her training. She did, successfully.

Debia, who was trained by the priesthood, examined her blood, and I performed a blood rite – spilling my blood in wine, then Alisaire spilled her own into the goblet. Together we drank – a symbolic gesture to include her as part of the family. Teasing us both, Debia admonished that other cultures use blood to make matrimonial vows. Reminding her that we are Dhe’nar, did nothing to stifle her teasing.

Being cousin, and the chairman of the Tower certainly has its perks. Hmph.

Time is counting down to when I will begin promoting my new club, The Black Iron Chalice. Maybe just Black Chalice.. Iron Chalice? Either or. It is an entirely new style of organization, based on a business model, rather than a boardroom style leadership structure.

I am concerned that there will be more people wanting to check it out, but not willing to work the roles I need to keep it moving forward. We shall see. I can only hope I can keep up with it all, as the Tower will still be my stable focus.

Musings - 2015 to 2018: Text

Posted on January 10, 2017 by Vorrith

Every new year comes with challenges and breakthroughs. The prior culture of the Obsidian Tower left the result in shambles. There were no officers, no new members and only a handful of active players that logged in regularly. The Tower has been in danger numerous times of being closed for inactivity and no officers. There’s been a lot of bad blood also, both internal and external that we have struggled through.

This past year was all about repair. We focused on promoting the culture, engaging with the community, holding monthly Tower events, participation in community events, gaining new officers and holding monthly officer meetings. It has been a long process, and not all the damage is mended. We still lack new people, and the Tower can’t progress, move on or grow without that. Our future looks to be merely a holding pattern, until something amazing happens.

The question remains though, what is there left to do in order to see something amazing? With the low population, how can we attract role-players? Are there any left that still have the interest?

My new MHO, The Black Iron Chalice is my hope to attract some renewed interest in role-play. We’ll see how it goes.

Musings - 2015 to 2018: Text

Posted on April 5, 2017 by Vorrith

The Tribunal ended around the end of February, settling my official year of restriction. While I had been remade an officer at the end of a seven month trial, I felt that it was respectful to not take on the role of Highlord until I completed the full year.

Meanwhile, Debia (mostly) and I have maintained Tellings and participation in festivals in order to earn the credits to upgrade the tower. The museum was fixed to allow lore songs,  a stove and kettle added in the kitchen, and new plantings to the underground caverns have been completely unnoticed by most that call the Tower home.

Upon the introduction of new officers in late fall – Eoghain immediately demanded to be made Highlord after a very long absence. He had given up this seat over five years ago, and his role as an officer and getting re accustomed to Elanthia was still fresh. I had told him that I intended to bid for Highlord, after I committed my year and we will address the lack of council in another six months time as everyone gets settled into their new roles. 

All officers, including Eoghain felt it more prudent to focus on settling in first, since some had not even been Tower members prior to the induction.

And, six months did pass. The only other time Eoghain attended a meeting as an officer – was to bid this time for Balance.  We have members globally, and I am only one person.  I needed a means to allow the opportunity to be fair and for me to be organized in this venture. He wanted it to be open. I agreed.

I created an application, outlining what I hoped should be minimal requirements (6 months of activity) and questions similar to what was asked of me (what do you hope to accomplish?).  If we couldn’t find someone worthy or had the time to dedicate – this would serve as guidance and motivation for someone that truly wanted to be involved in the future.  As tempted as I was, I did not insist that applying for a Council position – required the running of an event first, as it was for mine.

I wanted active members. I think we all do. People that would contribute, would come to Tellings, and would be able to work with the officers to promote activities, engage in the community. Positive things. Moving forward. Alas.

Eoghain took it upon himself, to balk at everything. Insisting council members should have no responsibilities despite him citing it was a job. That there should be no requirements to have the role, and specifically a written application is an affront.

I can only assume he felt I would think he was not qualified to be the unbiased Balance, the stable personality required for the role, the engaged and un-selfish persona that we need for such a council position.  I even offered to ask him the questions face to face, rather than fill out paperwork. (Text is text, after all.)

But, as soon as I opened my mouth that others were interested in the role of Balance (at the time, Alisaire and Surion) – he immediately rushed to the Tower, as witnessed by our enchanter who was resting there. Using a newly returned member (that he paid the account for), promoted him with no authority as his Council witness and named himself Balance. I can only assume he feared he would lose, otherwise.

Yet, here we are. And this, is why I cannot in good conscience – recognize this quickly gathered, last minute membership that have donned titles under false pretenses.

When accused that I must have been politicking too, I had to shake my head. “No”, I said. “I’ve been teaching.”

And thus, I know now how Tah’lad felt when his nephew Korthyr Faendryl abandoned The Way.

….But there is always hope. From the ashes, we have been reborn. Perhaps something positive can rise up and guide us for the future.

Musings - 2015 to 2018: Text

Posted on April 20, 2017 by Vorrith

Eoghain’s "council" decided to meet unexpectedly the other night, sandbagging me into attending without so much as a notification.  Upon arrival, Aradhe (a painstealer, and thus Temple caste) was sitting in the Warlock chair to my surprise.

Now he places blame on Evarin, for some reason for this mistake (I will have to inquire), which is ironic since Eoghain answered the chair question correctly only a few months ago.

For those that claim to be representatives of the castes (and former Highlords), it is strange that not a single one knew that black ora is the stone of the Temple. Black ora is a cursed stone, it is of a spiritual nature. It requires spiritual spells to overcome the curse and allow the stone to be usable. This is a *council* seat, and the stone is almost as important as the title.

As a Lorekeeper, if I forgot such things, it would bring shame on me, on my caste, and on my people. I cringe internally at how much has been forgotten, or perhaps not even taught to those that stand before me and claim to be representatives of their Castes.

I bite my tongue, and I force myself to be reminded that this place is only one small outpost of many, far distant to the hub of our culture.  A place that means little to the Castes at home.

Lorekeepers are never released from Caste duties. Our work is to ensure knowledge is passed on. We are the bond of Warlock and Temple. We keep our histories and our customs. I close my eyes, and repeat in my mind the order of the Ta’a’flach of Sharath.

“…that is why you will be sent there again…”

Musings - 2015 to 2018: Text

Posted on April 20, 2017 by Vorrith

It takes a lot of dedication, blood and sweat for an elf to be called ‘cousin’ and even MORE so for a half elf. We call such cousins, “Shorn’ri”.

Mnar was the first to be named as such at the Obsidian Tower in Wehnimer’s Landing.  I knew him, though more for his lectures and training of q’halae where I first met him.  He was teaching a q’hali how to braid in the customary styles of the Obsidian Council, allowing them to plait his own hair.

I was astonished and intrigued that a half elf would know these things and that he would be allowed to represent the culture in such a way. He was respected and treated nearly as an equal amongst the Dhe’nar.  Several times he was called to lecture about the Dhe’nar people and the philosophies, and his literary work was even published to the Tower library, dry as it might be. Never was he disrespected.

While there may have been other cousins named, the only other one I have met is Debia. Her history with the Dhe’nar is significantly different and where she started is likely where much angst from other Dhe’nar is derived.

She began as a gladiatorial slave in Sharath, then became shira’qa to Evarin, as some non-dhe’nar do in association with the culture. In time, she was given responsibility of the Tower’s Obsidian Legion and then eventually administration duties as co-chair for the Tower itself.  She was trusted.

In the absence of Dhe’nar in leadership roles in the Tower, it was tasked to her to maintain function and be the de-facto person responsible. The Tellings renewed. Revitalization for the Tower began, and renewed interest after years and years of inactivity and bad blood from decades past began to fade. She’s been the main stability in the Tower for over a decade now, far longer than even any Dhe’nar. 

The political diatribe in the Tower has become more vicious than a pit of Faendryl senators.  I incurred a taste of it myself last year (and into this one).

Now, I literally am tired of the consistent rehash over what a horrible person Debia must be – but I have yet to be given solid evidence of what she’s done wrong. Lies are being generated in order to keep that button pushed. It is dishonorable. Empty complaints are turning into a buzzing drone that seems to enjoy making noise. 

All I can see is that she is being utilized as a scapegoat as a means to unify others. This, by the same people that once trusted her. Giving a common enemy is an excellent tactic, but to make an enemy of family? Betrayal is the highest form of Faendryl politics. For shame. I will not partake in the demonization of family, regardless of differences.

Those that wish to play “sides” or force me to choose one, do little more than encourage the sort of schisms that have plagued the Tower for generations. I will not lie or twist other’s words to try to justify wrongful behavior.  I have stood up to it before, and continue to do so.  Perhaps I have too much of Noi’sho’rah’s spirit.

Family. Honor. Unity.
Has everyone truly forgotten?

Musings - 2015 to 2018: Text

Posted on July 4, 2017 by Vorrith

From the outside, it would be fascinating to watch – a bunch of Dhe’nar jockeying for power and control in a small outpost so far from Sharath, as to be nearly pointless. A culture so enmeshed in claiming to be family, but more eager to stab each other in the back than Faendryl in the Patriarch’s court.

Yet, this council has little overall impact to anything but themselves. The Council of Sharath still exists, as do small councils at every outpost. The Obsidian Tower’s council is a self-serving group, as it always has been. Misfit Dhe’nar that were relinquished from their caste duties founded the Tower so far from home, the infighting has recycled and recycled again – sometimes with the same people.

From the inside, it will interesting to watch – a bunch of Dhe’nar jockeying for power and control and each with their own agenda. Honor and respect do not exist in this council. Three former highlords, with egos to match are guaranteed to combust.

One, who sees the council as a means to an end to get control of the CHE which is already backfiring. Another, who sees the council as a means to levy his obsession with a half-elf that rebuked his advances to be his pet over 10 years ago. The third, having been a harsh taskmaster – may find it difficult to serve his former student.

Musings - 2015 to 2018: Text

Posted on September 16, 2017 by Vorrith

The Obsidian Tower is nothing, if not a hub of for those that seek political power. A beacon for Dhe’nar that have lost ties with our homelands, to claim expertise and authority of our people through a small little tower in the middle of the wilds that no one could find, unless you were looking for it.

For many years in recent history, that’s what it became; a group of isolated dark elves, calling themselves Dhe’nar – that hardly knew the culture, couldn’t speak the language, nor even teach it.

Those that came for interaction, wanted to learn and to engage – were excluded, forgotten or decided that it was not what they were promised and found family elsewhere.

I wanted to change that. I wanted to see new blood in the fold – that knew what we were and where we came from. I wanted to teach that we are family and unified and that our focus should not be about feeling self-important or promoting hate to maintain common goals. Rather I wanted to have the satisfaction of being a part of something grander. I wanted to instill honor and trust, to remedy decades worth of manipulations and draw us back out of the aether to which the Tower had all but vanished.

Our kin in Sharath still feel this sharply and are adamant about restricting political ambition. The scars of the Conflageration are saved as a constant reminder in our homelands.  We will never ascend so long as we have self-serving goals.

The reminders are absent as are consequences so far to the north – and it seems that our people, in their taint from the basalt pillars of Rhoska-Tor return to the base ambitions that led Korthyr to mock Noi’sho’rah in the Beginning.

We lack discipline and consequence and without either, it becomes evident how our kin simply becomes more and more like our rivaled cousins the Faendryl, in ambitions of minor worldly authority.

Change is hard, even if it is for the better. And it is here the Tower stands – potentially and by popular, local demand – returning to the fade.

Musings - 2015 to 2018: Text

Posted on March 21, 2018 by Vorrith

In prior posts, I noted the underhanded way that the current residents of the council chairs have obtained their status. It should come as no surprise that they have failed to fill every promise. The charter they voted for, fails to be upheld and primary officers do nothing to maintain it.

It has become clear that the only objective of this coup was to remove Debia from a primary Chair position because they feared she would seem more a figurehead than a Dhe’nar (which amuses me greatly, they would fear such from a half-elf) , and me – as I clearly was against inactive people in leadership roles. 

The supposed argument was that there should be no separation of council and administration, despite the original charter to the contrary.

So, we were forced to rewrite it. We had two. One I began, which separated the responsibilities and allowed the council to take a more passive role, and administration – which was required to keep the membership notified, hold meetings and all the requirements of an actual officer.

Thus the charter picked the variation that Alisaire wrote, where council and primary officer-ship was the same, knowing full well that every single person would perform ‘in absentia’ – isolating and deactivating the Tower once again, in a recycle of Azimar and Marroc’s administration years prior that we had attempted (in vain) to overcome.

Two Chairmen**, one (Eoghain) who can’t decide how to hold a meeting (in person, via mail, (or even in discordant means), and doesn’t know when his own house meetings are supposed to be. Another, (Xeta) that can’t maintain a simple eight hours a month without intervention since September and should have been removed months ago.

How utterly disappointing.

(**Eoghain set up CHE roles to have four chair positions, Chair, two co-chairs and a vice-chair. This excessive set up was specifically to reward allies, and to keep leadership of the Tower from potentially defaulting back to Debia (again) with the inevitable absentia of officers.)

Musings - 2015 to 2018: Text

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