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What role to they play?

A Dhe’nar slave. Everyone seems curious about them. What are they, what role do they play in the Dhe’nar culture?

Some slaves are captured, others are traded. Some slaves are even bred for particular traits. It is believed that the priesthood caste may even experiment on particular slave bloodlines as practice before being allowed to begin maintaining Dhe’nar bloodlines.

Ultimately slavery, in various forms is deeply integrated into the culture.

The first category are war-meat, these are the slaves that are captured or traded, more especially from the Krolvin who are also prime slave traders in Elanthia. These are generally trolls, orcs, and giants from the wilds that lack any real civilization but are quite vicious and are good fodder for raids and for protection.

The second category is for the Obsidian Legion. These are slaves or former slaves that have earned rank and status as combatants that can be relied upon and can think strategically in battle. Slaves often remove the shackles when they’ve earned status with the Legion, and have proven they are trustworthy and faithful. They follow The Way as best they can, and serve the Dhe’nar in a military capacity. This is often how non-Dhe’nar become incorporated to the culture.

The third category is the Khanshael. The dark dwarves were once slaves, but have earned their place in Dhe’nar society and are honored artisans, smiths, and combatants in the Dhe’nar culture. The Khanshael are no longer subject to breeding programs, or slave trade as they are considered essential to the Dhe’nar.

Fourth are the gladiators. These are simply slaves that are used as entertainment in bloody arenas. They can be pitted amongst themselves, or young Dhe’nar may attempt to prove their mettle against them. Occasionally a gladiator may turn the gaze of a Dhe’nar and be given a different role, depending on the Dhe’nar’s need or desire.

Fifth are the shira’qae. (based conceptually by geisha) Females are shira’qa, males are shira’qi. These are the ‘pets’ of the Dhe’nar, and serve in a multitude of roles. They are generally distinguished by robe color to denote their rank and function to their master.

The shira’qae are trained by their master to improve themselves as well as demonstrate purpose outside their own needs. They are trusted slaves and are either bred for the role, chosen from the gladiator pits, or free (non-dhe’nar) people that wish to serve a Dhe’nar exclusively.

Some shira’qae serve simply as providers of creature comforts – bringing food and wine, or providing a bit of pampering or even discourse to a high caste Dhe’nar. Others serve as bodyguards – they are hunting companions, provide spells, items and protection to their master. Finally some do serve as pleasure slaves, a rank they must earn with their master. These pleasure slaves must learn how to seduce each of the senses and have mastered the former two roles before they are accepted into this rank.

Due to the stringent breeding programs, bloodlines and mate choosing for Dhe’nar themselves – the pleasure slaves play a role in Dhe’nar learning how to pleasure a potential blood-mate and may help facilitate a successful breeding.

Lastly are the q’halae. Q’hala is female, q’hali is male. These are the students to Dhe’nar. They are young apprentices of Dhe’nar bloodline, and in the culture of Dhe’nar – while not TECHNICALLY a slave, they are treated as LESS than a slave until they complete their Great Hunt. Only then will they be considered family.

The most harsh of trials and tribulations are forced upon young Dhe’nar to prove their value, as if the priestesses’ control of bloodlines were not enough. This practice is less common in Sharath or Eh’lah, as Dhe’nar are born to their roles and live it daily. In Northern Elanthia, it is a necessity – as so many have become lost in their adventures or have not become as acquainted with the culture and The Way.

Dhe'nar Slaves: Feature

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