Emperor of Teras Isle: Starsnuffer relays his story
Scribed by Tarkisis Castile
“I liked the island. The climate, and the volcano, reminded me somewhat of home, in Sharath. Being who I am, and the nature of the island being what it was, fate would have it good many people respected and followed my advice. In a sense I became somewhat of a social leader, as well as a leader in the field of battle against the many foes that swarmed around the walls.”
“One day the kiramon were on the rampage. Their armies swarmed through the gates, their queens rampaging through the town. The death toll was extremely high.”
“I awoke from my slumber to the screams of my companions all around me. As I was preparing to join the fray, two dwarves approached me in the inn. They were rather saddened and had given up hope. They were angry about the influx of people to their island. . the social decay. . and they were even more upset that with the immigration came the problems. . namely the kiramon migrations.”
“You see the people who chose to live on Teras invaded the kiramon home. The dwarves had abandoned those mines many years ago, in a truce with the bugs. But when the other races came, that truce was not respected. In return, the kiramon went on rampage after rampage."
“I approached the dwarves, and told them that I might have a solution. They laughed, but then they came to their senses. They swore that if someone could beat back the invaders and bring order to the island so that the dwarves could simply be left alone, then they would give whatever political control they could to this person.”
“The dwarves are simple people, they wanted their simple lives.”
“So then I promised them that I would fight back the invaders, and bring order. I wasn’t expecting anything at the time.”
“As the battle would have it, I was able to fight off the queens, and with the help of Lord Gaq, captain of my Elite guard, we killed them all to the number. As the battle was dying down and the bodies being raised, the dwarves returned”
“That’s it, in a nutshell. Of all the hats I have that is the only one fashioned by dwarves.”
“I spent almost two years fashioning Terasian society into something respectable, dignified, and feared.”
“I then left for a trip to Sharath for several months. When I returned, I found that what I had built was riddled with rot and discontent. I then realized that the island would always be there, and that I had to find a solution to the problems on the surface.”
“I am currently researching several methods of genocide. As soon as I find out how to rid the topsoil from the stench of civilization, Teras will again return to it’s former glory.”